Friday, May 7, 2010


I did it...I finally broke 13mph! I know that sounds fast if you aren't an avid biker but in truth to an experienced's still snail pace and they probably wouldn't want to ride with me. But you know, that's okay. It's my personal best and I'm proud of it.

I started riding just over two years ago in hopes of losing weight without any real goals other than that and honestly...I thought I would hate it. Those first rides...2/10 mile...left me wobbly kneed and panting. Gradually my distance increased to about half a mile but I always turned around at the foot of this little hill because I was afraid that I couldn't make it to the top. Finally one day it hit'll never get to the top if you keep turning around at the bottom. So...I tried...and I made it...up one side and down the other. Quite an accomplishment. A milestone. A personal best. And others followed.

The first time I rode 5 miles I thought I was the Queen of the Road...last spring...I rode 70...I also rode my Townie on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville, NC. Both solo!

So...I've come a long way...and now...I have a fancy carbon road bike...with clipless pedals...and a healing broken arm...hey...we all fall when we're learning...

Now I'm preparing for a bicycle winery tour in North Carolina at the end of May. I've found a cycling group near by and I'm having a blast and I'm getting faster. My goal is to average 15mph by the end of the summer.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading about your growth as a biker. Also, it struck me that your comment, "you'll never get to the top if you keep turning around at the bottom," was true about anything we attempt in life.

    Say...does this make you a biker-chick?
